Giftly Card Balance

Giftly is a digital gift card platform that allows users to purchase and send gift cards to friends and family. Giftly cards can be used at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. To check your Giftly card balance, you can either visit the Giftly website or call the Giftly customer service number.

If you visit the Giftly website, you will need to sign in to your account. Once you are signed in, you will be able to see your Giftly card balance in the "My Account" section. You can also click on the "Check Balance" link on the homepage. If you call the Giftly customer service number, you will need to provide the customer service representative with your Giftly card number. They will be able to look up your balance and provide it to you over the phone.

It is important to note that Giftly cards do not expire. However, they may be subject to certain fees, such as a monthly inactivity fee. If you do not use your Giftly card for a certain period of time, the card may be deactivated. You can avoid this by using your Giftly card regularly or by contacting Giftly customer service to request an extension.

Giftly Card Balance

Giftly cards are a convenient way to give and receive gifts. They can be used at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. To check your Giftly card balance, you can either visit the Giftly website or call the Giftly customer service number.

  • Check online
  • Call customer service
  • No expiration date
  • May be subject to fees
  • Avoid inactivity fees
  • Use regularly or request extension
  • Manage balance online
  • Redeem at multiple retailers

Giftly cards are a great way to give the perfect gift, every time. With no expiration date and the ability to be used at a variety of retailers, Giftly cards are a flexible and convenient way to show your loved ones how much you care.

Check online

To check your Giftly card balance online, you will need to visit the Giftly website and sign in to your account. Once you are signed in, you will be able to see your Giftly card balance in the "My Account" section. You can also click on the "Check Balance" link on the homepage.

If you do not have a Giftly account, you can create one for free. To create an account, you will need to provide your name, email address, and a password. Once you have created an account, you can add your Giftly card to your account by entering the card number and PIN. You can also add multiple Giftly cards to your account.

Once you have added your Giftly card to your account, you can check your balance at any time by signing in to your account and clicking on the "My Account" section. You can also view your transaction history and manage your Giftly cards online.

Checking your Giftly card balance online is a quick and easy way to keep track of your balance and manage your Giftly cards.

In addition to checking your balance online, you can also check your balance by calling the Giftly customer service number. However, checking your balance online is more convenient and allows you to view your transaction history and manage your Giftly cards.

Call customer service

You can also check your Giftly card balance by calling the Giftly customer service number. This is a good option if you do not have access to the internet or if you have any questions about your Giftly card.

  • Provide your Giftly card number. When you call customer service, you will need to provide the customer service representative with your Giftly card number. You can find your Giftly card number on the front of the card.
  • Verify your identity. The customer service representative may ask you to verify your identity by providing your name, address, and phone number. This is to ensure that you are the authorized user of the Giftly card.
  • Get your balance. Once the customer service representative has verified your identity, they will be able to look up your Giftly card balance and provide it to you over the phone.
  • Ask questions. If you have any questions about your Giftly card or your balance, you can ask the customer service representative. They will be able to answer your questions and help you resolve any issues.

Calling customer service is a good way to check your Giftly card balance if you do not have access to the internet or if you have any questions about your Giftly card. However, checking your balance online is more convenient and allows you to view your transaction history and manage your Giftly cards.

No expiration date

Giftly cards do not have an expiration date. This means that you can use your Giftly card whenever you want, without having to worry about it expiring. This is a great feature, as it gives you the flexibility to use your Giftly card at your own pace.

However, it is important to note that Giftly cards may be subject to certain fees, such as a monthly inactivity fee. If you do not use your Giftly card for a certain period of time, the card may be deactivated. You can avoid this by using your Giftly card regularly or by contacting Giftly customer service to request an extension.

Overall, the fact that Giftly cards do not have an expiration date is a great benefit. It gives you the flexibility to use your Giftly card whenever you want, without having to worry about it expiring.

Here are some tips for using your Giftly card without letting it expire:

  • Use your Giftly card regularly.
  • Set up a reminder to use your Giftly card at least once a month.
  • Contact Giftly customer service to request an extension if you will not be able to use your Giftly card for a period of time.

May be subject to fees

Giftly cards may be subject to certain fees, such as a monthly inactivity fee. This means that if you do not use your Giftly card for a certain period of time, you may be charged a fee. The amount of the fee will vary depending on the issuer of the Giftly card.

In addition, some Giftly cards may also be subject to other fees, such as a purchase fee or a reload fee. These fees are typically charged when you purchase or reload a Giftly card. Again, the amount of the fee will vary depending on the issuer of the Giftly card.

It is important to be aware of the fees that may be associated with your Giftly card before you purchase or use it. You can find information about the fees on the Giftly website or by contacting the issuer of the Giftly card.

Here are some tips for avoiding fees on your Giftly card:

  • Use your Giftly card regularly.
  • Set up a reminder to use your Giftly card at least once a month.
  • Contact the issuer of your Giftly card to ask about any fees that may apply.

Avoid inactivity fees

Giftly cards may be subject to an inactivity fee if they are not used for a certain period of time. This fee is typically charged monthly, and it can vary in amount depending on the issuer of the Giftly card.

  • Use your Giftly card regularly. This is the best way to avoid inactivity fees. If you use your Giftly card at least once a month, you will not be charged an inactivity fee.
  • Set up a reminder to use your Giftly card. If you do not use your Giftly card regularly, you can set up a reminder to use it at least once a month. This will help you avoid forgetting about your Giftly card and being charged an inactivity fee.
  • Contact the issuer of your Giftly card. If you will not be able to use your Giftly card for a period of time, you can contact the issuer of the Giftly card to ask about any inactivity fees that may apply. They may be able to waive the fee or give you an extension.
  • Use your Giftly card balance to purchase a physical gift card. If you have a Giftly card balance that you are not going to use, you can purchase a physical gift card from a retailer. This will allow you to avoid losing your Giftly card balance to inactivity fees.

By following these tips, you can avoid inactivity fees on your Giftly card and keep your balance safe.

Use regularly or request extension

If you will not be able to use your Giftly card for a period of time, you can either use it regularly or request an extension from the issuer of the Giftly card.

To use your Giftly card regularly, simply make sure to use it at least once a month. This will help you avoid inactivity fees and keep your Giftly card balance safe.

To request an extension, you will need to contact the issuer of the Giftly card. You can find the contact information on the Giftly website or on the back of the Giftly card. When you contact the issuer, be sure to have your Giftly card number ready.

The issuer of the Giftly card may grant you an extension if you have a valid reason for not being able to use your Giftly card. For example, if you are traveling for an extended period of time or if you have a medical condition that prevents you from using your Giftly card, the issuer may grant you an extension.

By using your Giftly card regularly or requesting an extension, you can keep your Giftly card balance safe and avoid inactivity fees.

 balance online

You can check your Giftly card balance online by visiting the Giftly website and signing in to your account. Once you are signed in, you will be able to see your Giftly card balance in the "My Account" section. You can also click on the "Check Balance" link on the homepage.

  • It is convenient. You can check your Giftly card balance online anytime, anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and a web-enabled device.
  • It is secure. Giftly uses SSL encryption to protect your personal and financial information when you check your balance online.
  • It is easy to use. The Giftly website is easy to navigate and the "Check Balance" link is easy to find.
  • You can view your transaction history. When you check your Giftly card balance online, you can also view your transaction history. This can be helpful if you want to track your spending or see where your Giftly card balance has been used.

Checking your Giftly card balance online is a quick and easy way to keep track of your balance and manage your Giftly cards.

Redeem at multiple retailers

Giftly cards can be redeemed at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. This gives you the flexibility to use your Giftly card at the store of your choice.

To redeem your Giftly card online, simply visit the website of the retailer you want to shop at and add the items you want to your cart. When you are ready to checkout, select "Giftly" as your payment method and enter your Giftly card number and PIN. Your Giftly card balance will be applied to your purchase.

To redeem your Giftly card in-store, simply present your Giftly card to the cashier at the time of purchase. The cashier will swipe your Giftly card and apply your Giftly card balance to your purchase.

Here are some of the retailers where you can redeem your Giftly card:

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Starbucks
  • Macy's
  • Nordstrom
  • Sephora
  • Ulta Beauty

With so many retailers to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect place to redeem your Giftly card.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Giftly card balance:

Question 1: How do I check my Giftly card balance?
Answer 1: You can check your Giftly card balance online by visiting the Giftly website and signing in to your account. You can also check your balance by calling the Giftly customer service number.

Question 2: My Giftly card is lost or stolen. What should I do?
Answer 2: If your Giftly card is lost or stolen, you should contact Giftly customer service immediately. They will be able to cancel your card and issue you a new one.

Question 3: Can I use my Giftly card to make purchases online?
Answer 3: Yes, you can use your Giftly card to make purchases online at any retailer that accepts Giftly.

Question 4: Can I use my Giftly card to make purchases in-store?
Answer 4: Yes, you can use your Giftly card to make purchases in-store at any retailer that accepts Giftly.

Question 5: My Giftly card is not working. What should I do?
Answer 5: If your Giftly card is not working, you should contact Giftly customer service. They will be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Question 6: My Giftly card has an expiration date. When will it expire?
Answer 6: Giftly cards do not have an expiration date.

Question 7: My Giftly card has been deactivated. What should I do?
Answer 7: If your Giftly card has been deactivated, you should contact Giftly customer service. They will be able to help you reactivate your card.

Question 8: I have a question that is not answered here. How can I contact Giftly customer service?
Answer 8: You can contact Giftly customer service by phone at 1-888-555-1212 or by email at

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about Giftly card balance. If you have any other questions, please contact Giftly customer service.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few tips for managing your Giftly card balance:


Here are a few tips for managing your Giftly card balance:

Tip 1: Check your balance regularly.
This will help you keep track of your spending and avoid overspending.

Tip 2: Use your Giftly card regularly.
This will help you avoid inactivity fees and keep your Giftly card balance safe.

Tip 3: Set up a reminder to use your Giftly card.
If you do not use your Giftly card regularly, set up a reminder to use it at least once a month. This will help you avoid forgetting about your Giftly card and losing your balance to inactivity fees.

Tip 4: Contact Giftly customer service if you have any questions.
Giftly customer service is available to help you with any questions you may have about your Giftly card balance or any other Giftly-related issue.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can easily manage your Giftly card balance and avoid any potential problems.

Giftly cards are a convenient and flexible way to give and receive gifts. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your Giftly card.


Giftly cards are a convenient and flexible way to give and receive gifts. They can be used at a variety of retailers, both online and in-store. Giftly cards do not have an expiration date and can be reloaded with additional funds.

To check your Giftly card balance, you can either visit the Giftly website or call the Giftly customer service number. You can also manage your Giftly card balance online. If you have any questions about your Giftly card balance, you can contact Giftly customer service.

By following the tips in this article, you can easily manage your Giftly card balance and avoid any potential problems.

Closing Message:

Giftly cards are a great way to give the perfect gift, every time. With no expiration date and the ability to be used at a variety of retailers, Giftly cards are a flexible and convenient way to show your loved ones how much you care.

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